Renting the Facility as a WashU-Sponsored Department WashU Event Request Group/Department * Cost Center Number * Point of Contact Name * Point of Contact Name First First Last Last Point of Contact Phone * Point of Contact Email * It is best to reach me via… * Phone Email I will be at the 560 Music Center during this event to answer questions: * Yes, I will physically be at the Center for this event. No, I will not physically be at the Center for this event. Please direct questions that arise during the event to:No, I will not physically be at the Center for this event. Please direct questions that arise during the event to: The on-site contact can be reached at (phone number): * Title of Event * Event Date * My event is a: * Meeting or Presentation Performance Ceremony OtherOther I want to hold my event in: * The E. Desmond Lee Concert Hall (no food or drink allowed) The Pillsbury Theatre Ballroom Both spaces What time does your Group/Department staff want to access the space? * What time will the doors open for attendees to begin seating? * What time will the presentation/meeting begin? * How long is the presentation/meeting? * I need tables in the lobby: * Yes, I will need this many tables:Yes, I will need this many tables: No, I do not need tables in the lobby. I need reserved seats in the Hall: * Yes, I need this many seats reserved/marked for VIPs:Yes, I need this many seats reserved/marked for VIPs: No, I no not need any seats reserved. I am expecting this many attendees: * We will be giving the same presentation to multiple groups of attendees: * Yes, we will have one group, a short break while they leave, then a second group will come for the same presentation. No, we will not be bringing a second group of attendees to this event. There will be a Q&A with attendees: * Yes, I will need microphones in the audience for my Q&A Yes, but my Q&A will be done via QR code or pre-selected questions so I will NOT need microphones in the audience. No, there will not be a Q&A for this event. My presentation requires projections: * Yes, I have a slide deck which I will bring on a flash drive when I arrive. The 560 will provide a computer and a clicker. Yes, I would like to connect my personal computer to the projector. Yes, I have a single, static image to be shown throughout the duration of my event which I will bring on a flash drive when I arrive for my event. No, I do not have any projections for my event. My projections include a video: * Yes, my projections include a video with audio. Yes, my projections include a video that does not have audio. No, my projections do not have a video or audio. I would like the stage set with… * Lectern only Lectern with Fireside-Style Seating Lectern with Seated Panel Seated Panel only Fireside-Style Seating Only Other The 560 Music Center does not provide furniture for Fireside-Style events. * I need recommendations on rentals. I will bring my own furniture. I will need seating for this many panelists: * Please describe how you would like the stage set: * I would like a playlist of instrumental music playing as attendees are entering the theater before my event begins: * Yes, I would like instrumental music playing as attendees enter. No, I would not like instrumental music playing as attendees enter. I would like my event recorded: * Yes, I would like a single, wide-shot recording of my event. Yes, I would like a multi-camera recording of my event. No, I do not want my event recorded I would like my event live-streamed or simulcast to a second location: * Yes, I will provide a platform on which my event will be streamed. No, I do not want my event live-streamed. I anticipate bringing ASL interpreters who will need to be onstage during my presentation: * Yes, I will have ASL interpreters for my event. No, I will not have ASL interpreters for my event. I would like to host a reception as part of my event: * Yes, I need recommendations on caterers and/or bartenders. Yes, I do not need recommendations on caterers and/or bartenders. No, I will not be including a reception with my event. Other information about my event: * Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. This form is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Δ